Monday, August 16, 2010



Bila lecturer tiada dalam kelas...

Bila lecturer panggil...

Bila kena hadiri senggang...

Bila waktu rehat...

Bila dapat assignment dari lecturer..

Bila tengah cari idea buat assignment...

Bila assignment yang lecturer bagi susah...

Bila otak jem...

Bila member banyak songeh dan berlagak pandai...

Bila member tukar fikiran saat akhir...

Bila lecturer suruh study lebih masa...

Bila lecturer buat kelas waktu cuti...

Bila dapat result teruk...

Bila assignment berjaya disiapkan dengan jayanya...

Bila assignmet rejected..

Bila dapat C.U.T.I...


Tak sabar nak cuti...banyaknya assignment+notes+kerja luar+kerja dlm = stress... tp xpe...dalam al-quran kan ada tips pengurusan stress... ^__^

1. Remembering Allah.. (ar-ra'd : 28)
2. Ask for Allah's help continuously and consistently... (al-baqarah : 153)
3. Allah knows... (al-baqarah : 152)
4. Keep you chin up and always remember that Allah is always by yourside.. (al-Imran : 139)
5. For every hardship there is relief.. (al-Insyirah : 6-8)

" O young man, I shall teach you some words [of advice] : Be mindful of Allah and Allah will protect you. Be mindful of Allah, and you will find Him in front of you. If you (have need to) ask, ask of Allah; and if you seek help, seek help from Allah. Know that even if the Nation (or the whole community) were gather together to benefit you with something, they will not benefit you with anything except that which Allah has already recorded for you, and that if they gather together to harm you with something, they would not be able to harm you with anything except that which Allah has already recorded against you. The pens have been lifted and the pages have dried." (hadith 19) strong girl!!! muslimah power, power, power!! ^__^


Nurr_Rahmah said...

Salam Ramadhan kareem..
Selamat berpuasa..Insya-Allah moga menjadi strong muslimah :).
p/s Akk minta izin copy menghilangkan stress tu ye..cute je. syukran..

Sue Yahya said...

Wasalam akak...
lama x sembang ngan akak... :)
insyaAllah kak...sila jer copy.. ^_^ akak pun nak hilangkn stress ea?hehe..

~Taujihad Srikandi~

Wahai Srikandi :-

" takhallikan dirimu dari terjerumus ke lembah noda serta sikap bermain-main dengan perjuangan.. tahallikan dirimu dengan sifat sebenar seorang wanita yang hidup dengan perjuangan, pengorbanan serta jihad dan kefahaman juga dambaan syahid "